
Bailie, P., Larimore, R.A., & Pikus, A.E. (2023). Evaluating Natureness: Measuring the Quality of Nature-based Classrooms in Pre-K through 3rd Grade Lewisville, NC: Gryphon House. (purchase)

Larimore, R.A., (forthcoming). Commentary: Tend the Soil Before Planting the Seeds. In S. Jeong, L. Bryan, D. Tippins, & C. Sexton. (Eds.). Navigating the challenges of elementary science teaching and learning: Using case-based pedagogy to understand dilemmas of practice. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.

Larimore, R.A., (2023). Settling into nature time—embracing the power of slowing with our interactions with young children. Beyond the Gate. Jamberoo, Australia: Pademelon Press.

Yadav, A., Rich, K., Schwarz, C.V., & Larimore, R. (2022). Developing elementary teachers’ competencies in integrating computational thinking ideas in classrooms: Using a toolkit as a scaffold. In C. Mouza, A. Leftwich, & A. Yadav (Eds). Professional Development for In-Service Teachers: Research and Practices in Computing Education. Information Age: Charlotte, NC.

Larimore, R.A. (2020). Preschool Science Education—A Vision for the Future. Early Childhood Education Journal. Online First

Rich, K.M., Yadav, A., & Larimore, R.A. (2020). Teacher Implementation Profiles for Integrating Computational Thinking into Elementary Mathematics and Science Instruction. Education and Information Technologies. (website)

Larimore, R.A. (2019). Preschool Beyond Walls: Blending Early Childhood Education and Nature-Based Learning.Lewisville, NC: Gryphon House. (purchase)

Larimore, R.A. (2018). Using Principles of Nature-Based Preschools to Transform Your Classroom. Young Children, 73(5), 34-41. (website)

Sobel, D. & Larimore, R.A.(2018). “Nature cements the new learning: Expanding nature-based learning into the K-5 curriculum.”Research Handbook on Children and Nature: Assemblages of Childhood and Nature Research. Springer International.

Larimore, R.A.(2017, March). Program considerations for establishing a nature-based preschool. (website)

Larimore, R.A. (2016). Defining nature-based preschools. International Journal of Early Childhood Education, 4(1), 32–36. (website)

Larimore, R.A. (2015) My summer vacation: A nature kindergarten study tour in Scotland. (website)

Larimore, R.A. (2014) Reflection: The powerful teaching of a deer carcass. Exchange Magazine, 37 (1), 81. (pdf)

Larimore, R.A. (2014, December 15) Growing with the children: Bringing nature preschool practices to elementary schools. (website)

Larimore, R. A. (2014). Review: Forest kindergartens: The cedarsong way. Children, Youth and Environments, 24(2), 239–241. doi:10.7721/chilyoutenvi.24.2.0239 (pdf)

Larimore, R.A. (2011). Establishing a nature-based preschool. Fort Collins, Colorado: National Association for Interpretation. (purchase)

Larimore, R. A. (2011). Nature-Based Preschools: A powerful partnership between early childhood and environmental education. Legacy Magazine, 22(3), 8–11. (pdf)

Larimore, R.A. (2007). BioBlitz: When interpretation and science come together.The Interpreter, 3(6), 6–8.

Larimore, R. & Reding, S. (2001). Neighborhood naturalists: Programming for youth in Kalamazoo. Legacy 12(4), 8–9, 37–41.

Larimore, R.A. & Reding, S.M. (2001). Neighborhood Naturalist Club: A Model for Designing After School Programs. Kalamazoo, Michigan: Beech Leaf Press.